One of my favorite things in photography is to capture wildlife photos in the natural habitat of the animals.
Throwback to a phenomenal night when I witnessed the most beautiful milky way I have ever seen. Surrounded by the big dunes in the middle of the Moroccan desert, this must be one of the best experiences in my life.
Starry skies.
Starry skies.
There is something so magical about seeing the world come to life in the early hours of morning.
Travelling is something thats very important to me. I love experiencing new cultures, landscapes and sights. Here are some shots from Norway, Bali and Madeira
Travelling is something thats very important to me. I love experiencing new cultures, landscapes and sights. Here is a shot from Bali.
Hazy northern lights dancing slowly in the night sky, the full moon shining brightly just above the horizon and I’m just relaxing and enjoying the experience. I also managed to capture a meteor in the same shot by sheer luck.